Wednesday, August 10, 2011

When I was a kid, I have two specific memories of my dad buying me TCBY yogurt with sprinkles at the airport. That sort of thing really sticks with a kid. Peter knows well, I always get sprinkles, and I think this is why. I splurged and just got some. It's making me happy, although it made me tear up a little bit too (which is really rare for me).

I'm on a layover right now that's delayed in Phoenix. I've got a lot of thoughts running through my head. I'm flying back to San Diego after having been in Tucson since Sunday. I bringing back our second car and I have my last recital on Saturday. Just a lot of transitions.

The whole Tucson thing isn't going to well... yet. We're going to manage another building again, and really lucked out getting one in Tucson. We didn't see it before we signed and it's just a bad-on-bad situation. But, school starts for Peter in 2 weeks and we're really excited for him to do that (although I'm going to be so bored)! I'm looking forward to making new friends, cooking dinner each night, taking an Institute class on Studying the Scriptures and that my darling Peter will be loving and working hard in his program.

I'll be posting much more once all this is done. Thanks for letting me vent.

Fingers crossed for Tucson to be good! I really hope I can say it got 100% better!


  1. But at least your posting from your new phone. That's got to help, right?

  2. Good luck, you will love your new home!

  3. Transitions can be hard, but you'll do great. You're Maren, remember? You will be missed greatly.

  4. We will miss you but we know we'll see you and we are going to try and come down. We love you both!
