Monday, August 22, 2011

Peter "The Grad Student" Leavitt

As you know, we moved to Tucson two weeks ago for Peter to start his PhD in Social Psychology. He's been looking forward to starting Graduate School for about 3 years now. I had to get pictures of the event.

This is his first day of Orientation last week.

This is going to class today, his first day of Grad School.
We were both pretty excited!

He wasn't excited that I wanted so many pictures, but I wanted to remember this day!


  1. LOVE this! You guys are darling! Let's get together this week?

  2. hahah you are such the stage mom!! These will be great photos to mark a wonderful memory. Congrats!

  3. Maren you are too cute! You are his little mommy! You are definitely ready for some babies. hehe. :)

  4. That's hilarious, Maren. I love the "first day back to school" posting! You should've had him wear a backpack and hold a sack lunch, too.

  5. This makes me laugh because Alycia took pictures of Trevor his first day of law school also :)
