Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Working Hard for the Dough

Recently my fantastic friend, Jackie, gave me her bread maker. She wanted to put it behind her and start baking entirely homemade bread. So, I've tried two loaves now and it's a huge learning experience. Really intimidating, but it came with a booklet with great tips and recipes. I hope (and so does Peter) to get into pizza crusts and bread sticks.

Now, I need to get a sewing machine and more food storage on my step to being the cheesiest (or breadiest) (get it! Cheesy inside cheesy comment!) Mormon around...


  1. true... and that's why I love you!

  2. You are too funny!! I used to make bread by hand, then we got our bread machine and I loved it. Unfortunately as my boys got older it just couldn't keep up. Now we are finally back to a stage where I can use a bread machine again :) Have fun!!
