Monday, May 16, 2011

Another Perfect Weekend

Our weekends are usually simple and wonderful. We rarely go out of town or spend any money, but each one is full of wonderful friends and food. I wanted to jot down some of the fun things we did.

-Dinner out in Old Town on Friday using a year old gift card from Becca Haynie
-Watched the hilarious Community Season Finale
-BBQing, homemade strawberry ice cream and games on Saturday with the Roberges
-I accompanied a Special Musical Number for the Elders, one going home this week
-Lunch/Home Teaching after church at the Coxes
-Sunday Nap
-The Hollands came over for dinner
-Sleep over on Sunday night and games at my brother Dave's place in Carslbad


  1. I love low-key, relaxing weekends. They are the fresh breathes we need in a busy world. You two make me want to move to California! Also, I gotta say real quick that your nephew Owen, when he wears high heels, put a lot of women to shame. Way to go, little man!
