Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Least Favorite Day of The Year

When my favorite man of
my future,
met my favorite man of
my past.

Today is always a rough day. August 26th, 2006 is the day my father unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. My heart still hurts if I think of that week. I won't post about that today. Or ever. But I'm always reminded of that whole experience on this day in August. And it's four years later and I still miss him. We all do. I don't think about him all too often, but on this day, I always do. Although it brings sad memories on this particular day, it's really nice to think of him and be sad today so I remember how much he'll always mean to me. Every time a big decision comes up, I wonder if he would be proud of how I handled it. He was so good at giving advice for big decisions. And most important to me, would he love that I married Peter? I think he would. I really think he would love Peter and be proud of me for bringing him into his family.

It was particularly sad morning because I dropped my mom off for a knee surgery she didn't really want to have without her husband next to her. We both were sorta scared for the procedure (she would NOT like if I told people about her surgery. But I know she doesn't read blogs, so her secret's safe with you, the world of the Blog). We were all together last night and thought it was sweet that she got the procedure done today and will be under anesthesia and close to my dad.

Aren't we lucky to know about the Plan of Salvation?
Or, The Plan of Happiness as I like to call it.


  1. your dad would've loved peter, i agree. i'll always remember him as a wonderful and funny man. i also enjoyed his humorous antics. love the post maren.

  2. girl, you're making me cry. How could anyone not like Peter?
