Wednesday, April 6, 2011

San Diego Friends

I've been trying to take more photos of my San Diego friends. Here are some of the great people we saw in the past month. I'm 'seriously so blessed' to always have great friends in my life!

My siblings and their spouses, we try to do a dinner once a month. I'll miss them the most!

My hilarious friend from working at the piano studio, Karolyn.

The Riches and the Neris! A lot of Dominos and Yoga have happened at this house!

"No Kids Dinner Group-" some of the couples in our ward that don't have kids hang out every so often. This picture is from last Nov, but we had a lunch after Conference... Three of these couples are now expecting babies.

The Sounds concert with Mike and Britney Roberge.

Terrie and her baby Alice, hanging after Conference. We were in YW together.

Nice and lazy Sunday nights at Uncle Fred and Aunt Lisa's.
another older picture, but we go about once a month.

The nieces and nephews. This is Mitt's Tanith and Dave's Owen.

Danielle, the date I mentioned to Polish Mass with a piano student. A great night! I'm going to miss a lot of my piano families! I have developed great friendships with all of them.

Former roommate Holly and one of our favorite snacks, apples and peanut butter. She's just so good to me!

Our friend Jenna moved to become a flight attendant. This is what happens every time I you try to get a picture with her. You end up laughing too hard!

This is the one friend I don't have to leave behind in San Diego. Isn't he just so handsome?!? cue the barfing or the laughing


  1. I love it, you are surrounded me some awesome people! When do you guys leave???

  2. rrrr I am sick at the thought of you leaving! Don't post things like that yet. Not ready.

  3. At least it's only about a 6 hour drive and easy to come and visit either way. We'll have to try and come out some weekend :)

  4. I love that I am in your post!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!
