Thursday, January 20, 2011

Personality Preferences

I renewed my drivers license last October (yes, I did my hair and wore one of my favorite shirts). They gave me the Interim License. That expired mid-December while I continued to wait for my new one. So, Holidays and GRE are over so I finally followed up. The DMV has no record that I went in or renewed my license. What?! Sorta scary that the DMV lost a record. I had to make a new appointment and have to go and do the whole process over again... At least I've lost a couple pounds and gotten my 'hair did' since that last picture.

An unknown service fee showed up on our Credit Card last Saturday. I called immediately, the guy apologized, said it was an error and they'll take if off. Ask Peter, I'm neurotic about doing everything by the books and never paying fees. It's Thursday and it still hasn't dropped. So, I called again, and there was no record of my first call. They say it will now drop off. What?! My CC lost a record. Eek!

Last one... A washing machine was broken at our apartment last week (I manage our building). I called Wednesday, said they'd be out Thursday. I called Thursday, said they were on their way. Called Friday, said it was first thing on Saturday. Called Saturday at 5pm, spoke (yelled) with two managers who didn't have any record of the broken machine. They came out on Monday. Wow.

I prefer being a 'yellow personality,' but if I didn't pull out my 'red' every few days, I'd be a poorer, illegally driving person with stinky clothes. Don't you hate when you have to be control freak?!


  1. I do hate that! I think the worst was when INS lost our fingerprints from our file & then couldn't find our file!! How does that happen?!!

  2. It's so true though, you seriously have to be mean sometimes to get things done right. I hate having to do that, but it happens semi-often. You and me, the yellow-reds. Makes sense.
