Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Speech Language Pathology

I'm considering going back to school for a Master's in Communication Disorders to become a Speech Pathologist. I'm excited and scared about the prospects of higher education! It would be about 3 years, and we'd probably have a baby during that time (eek!). But there are some amazing Pro's to it- Use my Linguistics Degree and my brain, make better money with benefits and paid time off, not be bored when I'm an old empty-nester. Or do I just envy Peter for looking into schools and want to be like him. Either way, what do you think?


  1. Go for it! I'm all for a higher education and babies! Things will fall in place, take the leap!

  2. Hi, I just so happened to follow your comment over from Natalie's blog (I thought your name sounded familiar), and I'm an SLP. Sounds like a good fit if you've already studied Linguistics. I say, go for it!

  3. I think it's a great idea and I loved hearing about it when you were here on Sunday :)
