Friday, January 8, 2010

You don't have to put on that Red Light

Peter, a huge movie-buff, had not seen Moulin Rouge. So, we watched it. I had to hold back singing along with every song. He enjoyed it, but at like at a 'B' to B-'. Only my Romney brothers love musical movies more than action movies. Guess I'm used to that level of musical movie enjoyment*.

Got me thinking- Peter and I have yet to sleep with someone else for money, sing Elton John love songs, die in the other's arms 'in the name of love' or dance a sexy, abusive tango. And after seeing this movie, it all looked appealing. That large and spacious building looked really appealing! Why does that look tempting?! Really, all because of amazing 80's music, lights, an ittie-bittie waist line and great curls in her hair? I couldn't be happier with my 'boring' life, loving husband, warm bed and plenty of food. I love Bohemian Virtures; Beauty, Freedom, Truth and above all, Love. But, I also love my warm 2 bedroom apartment, my piano, my husband, my family, my friends and my religion. Can I have both? I think so. I'll try. But, I don't think I can get Nicole Kidman's waistline. I'll give up on that one.

*My brother David and I choreographed/sang Alladin's "A Whole New World" on a rug when it came out. We learned the dances to dance movies. This wasn't uncommon for us to do in our youth... or... last month.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting....simple pleasures are the greatest. Like knowing you have someone forever, or nothing having anything planned that day and making new adventures.
